Urgent Whispers: Care of the Dying
a book from LLX Press
by Jerral Sapienza
Training & Discussion Resources
<< Order Form
It's wonderful when people start thinking, talking, discussing and
helping out
in hospice or as caregivers. One way this is happening is that
Urgent Whispers: Care of the Dying is currently in use
as a caregiver support and discussion tool in many
facilities, churches, nursing
homes and other venues. Individuals, Families, Schools,
Hospice, Hospital, Universities, Medical Schools and Nursing
Education programs, Nursing Home, Long Term Care Facilities all
find this book a useful training and discussion support book.
In addition to being a very personal and intimate support guide
for helping support a caregiver's process at the beside of a
friend or loved one, Urgent Whispers: Care of the Dying
is also in wide use as an excellent resource to help train
new and returning caregivers at local hospices. Sharing thoughts,
techniques and reflections with one another and attending local
discussion and support groups for caregivers, these hospice workers and
volunteers are well supported caregivers who move forward
more confident with the physical, emotional and spiritual situations
of helping out in Conscious Dying and Comfort Care. That confidence
translates into significantly improved care at the bedside.
On Site Trainings
using URGENT WHISPERS: Care of the Dying
If your organization, church or hospice is currently planning an on-site
chaplaincy and pastoral care training, caregiver support group, discussion
group or class and would like to have Jerral or another trainer come and help
out with making best use of these materials in your program, feel free to be in touch for arranging a date for a personal
visit there. If we can't arrange a personal visit, then perhaps we can at
least assist in providing training materials to assist in the effective
presentation of this kind of material within your class, training or
Training materials from some of Jerral's recent site visit workshops, programs, etc.:
"Evolving Compassion In End of Life Care" Workshop:
SLU Edition:
PDF Format Workshop Outline:
Evolving Compassion in End of Life Care
A two-hour Continuing Education workshop by Jerral Sapienza
PDF Format Exercise sheet
Exercise sheet (Page 2) used with Evolving Compassion workshop
PowerPoint to accompany
Evolving Compassion in End of Life Care above.
Yak ALTC Edition:
PDF Format Workshop Outline:
Evolving Compassion in End of Life Care
A two-hour General Public / Caregiving / Pastoral Care
workshop by Jerral Sapienza
PDF Format Exercise sheet
Exercise sheet (Page 2) used with Evolving Compassion workshop
PowerPoint to accompany
Evolving Compassion in End of Life Care above.
For Unity Church Studies organizing End-of-Life discussions around The Twelve
12 Powers of End-of-Life
Care adapting Charles Fillmore's "Twelve Powers of Man"
PowerPoint Format Unity specific
12 Powers of End-of-Life Care using
Charles Fillmore's "Twelve Powers of Man" concepts
Training & Discussion Course Outline Materials
using URGENT WHISPERS: Care of the Dying as
course textbook.
We offer here free 7-Week Course Booklets ready to
print out for immediate use. Includes fully-paced
session-by-session hour-by-hour syllabus, discussion topics and
even Course/Instructor Evaluation Form in each 20-pg booklet. A complete
training kit for Hospice, VNS, Nursing Home, and Church Caregiver Trainings
Complete PDF
7-week Course Facilitator's Guide
for the Course Host/Trainer
Complete PDF 7-week Course
Participant's Guide for the Course Participants
PDF Format
Course Eval only
These PDFs (Portable Document Format) require Adobe Acrobat Reader...
Available at WWW.Adobe.com
Other Training Resources
One thing you probably already know if you've read URGENT WHISPERS is
that Jerral is a poet with quite an appreciation for the musicality of
words. One of the "sweetest" pieces useful in the context of URGENT
WHISPERS discussion groups and the like is his Life's Compass: A Mission. It can be a
discussion all in itself!
Another piece, one of Jerral's classical lyrical poems about
"Eternity" and "the Other Side", called " Eternities Aloft is also popular and
Hospice Setting Short Story Tyler's
Vision (by Jerral Sapienza),
a teaching story useful as a discussion starter topic in some settings.
Brief & Generic Six-Week Basic 6-Session
General 6-Session Training Course
General 6-Session Course, revised
Comments from a Congregational Care Director
We have had so many different kinds of responses but the one
common thread is that the classes and your book have given
people a greater insight into the dying process. In fact,
Urgent Whispers: Care of the Dying
has made some people think about their own death in a whole
different way. It has been a very effective and uplifting
The instructor originally had a lesson plan but after beginning
the class, he just let the class go at its own pace. There are
some times that they spend the whole time period (2-1/2 hours)
on a single page of the book!
There has been some incredible discussion -
thought provoking ideas shared, life/death experiences shared,
that type of thing. It will probably take several more months
just to get through the book the first time since this class
only meets on a monthly basis.
Blessings to you and keep up the good work!
-- August 2002
Nadine K.
Discount Purchase Program
If your organization would like to purchase multiple copies
of URGENT WHISPERS: Care of the Dying for educational
use, we'd love to help you get
started with your program by giving you a free instructor
copy of the book as well.
Contact Us directly for this offer; it is
probably not offered by your bookseller.
General Requirements for participation in program:
You are purchasing the books for educational use,
though we do loosely define "educational."
Can be schools, churches, hospice, nursing education
or even family or community groups... most ways
you can think of to define "training."
Submit a copy of your basic training plan
or "resource & care plan" with the order. (Again... don't
lose sleep over this; we simply like to know how the books are
being used. Though we do appreciate detail, don't think we're
looking for a grant proposal format here. Just let us know
what you plan to do with the books.)
Include check (US $) with your first order
(subsequent orders may use purchase orders,
on approved credit from approved institutions.) Using
order form provided, fill in an order form
print it out, and mail it to:
LLX Press Educational Orders;
PO Box 3462 Hillsboro, OR 97123 USA
Please allow 4-6 business days to receive your books.
(*Shipping costs / times outside the US
are higher, and may be subject to duty,
tariffs, delays. )
Share Your Ideas and Learn About Others!
Network with other programs, trainers, caregivers and
share your ideas about how to effectively develop a
training plan, and how to take the best care of your
You can Contact Us Now with
your request to be included in this network. If you have
your training plans under way, or would like help with some
you're working on, feel free to be in touch, and we'll try
to match you up with someone to help.
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