Copyright 1997 by Neil Parker.
The hair of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
is Nu.
The face of the Osiris scribe Ani, true of voice,
is Ra.
The eyes of the Osiris Ani, true of voice, true of voice,
are Hathor.
The ear of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
is the Opener of Ways.
The lips of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
are Anubis.
The teeth of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
are Serqet.
The eyeteeth[?] of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
are Isis.
The arms of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
are the Soul of Busiris.
The neck of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
is Wadjit.
The throat of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
is Mert.
The breast of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
is the Lady of Sais.
The backbone of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
is Set.
The skin of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
is the Lords of Kher-Aha.
The flesh of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
is He Who Is Greatly To Be Feared.
The body and back of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
are Sekhmet.
The loins of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
are the Eye of Horus.
The sexual organ of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
is Osiris.
The thighs of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
are Nut.
The legs of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
are Ptah.
The fingers of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
are Orion.
The toes of the Osiris Ani, true of voice,
are the Living Uraei.