Age:[ 19 ] Gender:[ F ]
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I wrote once about Jonathon shortly after he had died. Now two years later college has taught me a lot about how to grow up. Today I still miss him and I hope that my strength can encourge some of you. My life however has moved on, sometimes my heart breaks at the sound of his name but mostly now I remember his joy. He was eight and carefree and now he is a little boy in heaven. I miss him but now my love for God has made me fight harder to know that he is in control and that I had nothing to do with the accident. I will be strong and I will remember him always. He is a gift from God that I got for a short while and I am thankful for that time. I am still close to his family and we talk about his life and laughter all of the time. Going to college helped finding peace in being away from in all. I will never look at life the same way but I do know that there were so many lessons to be learned from one little boy and one terrible day. My injuries from the wreck and my grandmothers are still persistent but they now make me think we shared something no matter what it was. I've got great friends and a family that loves me and is willing to help me get the help I need and let me live my life. Jonathon was a part of my life and will always be. I love you Jonathon!
Fri Apr 5 12:10:18 2002 back to other Contributions page