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What's New'ish at WWW.Bardo.ORG?

Feb 22, 2022
That's a lot of twos... was an interesting 02-22-22 set of digits to flip over on the calendar...
(And yes, it's been a while since anything new was posted here... but hey... we get busy? :)

Publication Date: Apr 15, 2002
New Book by Jerral Sapienza, Curator of the Bardo of Death Studies.
URGENT WHISPERS: Care of the Dying
          This book is a must-read for those working in Hospice care for degenerative disease, such as Cancer and AIDS. Sensitively written for information, motivation and support of those working with late stage hospice patients. More information as it's available... If you are a reviewer, book publicist, media contact, or you would just like advance availability of publicity information on the book, do feel free to be in touch.

May 3, 1998:
Added a reference to Rob Neil's Death With Dignity FAQs book in the interest of covering another side of the issue here.

And the new translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead:
[Image of Isis]

The Papyrus of Ani

[Image of
[Image of a Djed]
Translated by
Neil Parker

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Neil Parker, nparker-at-llx.com