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Bardo of Death Studies
Writing a new Net Memorial
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Thank you for taking the time to share your story with our readers. Your honest reflection and expression here is helpful in assisting all who come here to learn more about Death and Dying just as you yourself are learning more, in the sharing and the growing the process has afforded you. Sharing of ourselves at times like these can be transformational for both the reader and the writer, especially when we feel like we are blazing some new trail on what can at times seem like a very Lone Journey indeed.

We'll help you to format your contribution in a way which is readable to people by asking you some basic questions which you may fill in for the submission. But please, feel free to write this in any way you choose, or to completely ignore our submission sections here if you feel them restrictive or in any way something other than what you had in mind.
How would you categorize this writing? . . .

As we post your contribution, it may have the following segments, any of which you may choose to include or leave blank:

What would you like the TITLE of your contribution to be?

the SUB-TITLE, if any

Please pick a single word (OrWordsRunTogetherLikeThis) which we may use as a file-label for this work internally. Can be arbitrary or meaningful either one, but will need to be unique from other contributions already on the Contributions Page now.
What single word, then, (NoSpaces) best describes your work?

If you would like to have your EMail address included on the contribution with a mail link back to you (from which readers may click directly to comment directly to you about your contribution,) then be sure to include your EMail address here: (We suggest using an "at" or some other "marker" in place of the "@" in your email to discourage automated machines picking your address up and using it as a new target for spamming you)

Now, for the main body of your contribution. There are two text boxes to accept your entry here, one which will automatically reformat your text later and may or may not keep your formatting, and the other which will keep ALL of your formatting intact. Choose whichever you'd like.
    A couple notes about the entry boxes: You may enter as long an article as you would like. If you know how to use it, you may also use CUT & PASTE to include an article created in another application, such as your own word processor if you are currently using a forms-capable browser such as NETSCAPE.
    For the benefit of your readers here, please turn off your CAPS-LOCK while you write, and only use CAPS for emphasis and capitalization since writing all in CAPS will keep many people from even reading your work since IT'S MUCH HARDER TO READ except as emphasis within regular print.)

Now, please choose one entry box or the other here:
   AutoFormatting, line breaks & format may change later...

For POETRY or something which needs to have special formatting kept intact, then use this second box, where we will keep all of your formatting verbatim.
   No Line Formatting, stays exactly as you enter it

Comments? Do you have any comments for us about this submission? (comments, directions, or notes to us, and not necessarily to be included on the actual work contributed.)

What do you think of this method of writing a contribution?

Feel Free to offer any reflection or criticism which may be of value to changing our method & forms entry:

Identifying yourself on this contribution: [optional as you choose:]

Your Name as you wish it to appear:
Your Age: M / F :

City: State: Country:

Any other Info about yourself you'd like to share:

include (excerpts or the entirety) of these comments on the 'Contributions from Our Readers' Page?

If we have questions about this writing, to what EMail address should comments on this writing be directed?

Write us if you'd like, at Contribs-at-Bardo.org

Thank You for your Input

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