Margie A. Nelson, mother, advisor, friend, wife, daughter, grandmother, the list could go on forever. You were taken from us in less than a second, even before you knew it was to happen. I feel that I have been robbed of something. You were taken away and can never be replaced. The sorrow, emptiness, and heartache is something you never taught me how to deal with. Every day I try to make you proud, every second your on my mind it's very lonely. I love you and miss you with all of soul. Life doesn't beat the same without you. The whole family could really use your smile, hugs, kisses, and laughter, not to mention your cooking. I hope what people say is true, that I will see you again. Because, I really need you to hold me and rock me and tell me how proud you are of me and how much you love me. I love and miss you mom!
Sun Feb 4 22:27:34 2007
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