Age:[ 30 ] Gender:[ F ]
Who would have known a little boy would have brought such joy into our lives, Isure didn't,You see we were always told that the chances of us,your father and me of having a perfect son would be zero to none. In time i grew to accept this when we were told a bundle of Joy would be arriving on Sept 21,1995 We could not have been happier, to our dismay though you were positioned wrong way around in the womb and were in serious distress & causing me too lose alot of blood, Who would have known that for this reason the doctors would find colon cancer in your mommy? Had it not been for you i wouldn't have the special gift of a second chance at life and 9 days of beautiful heart wrenching memories of you!I dream of the day i hold you in my arms and thank our father in heaven for his perfect gift! Sept21,1995 an angel was born named Jefferson Lee Thompson Who later the world mourned and grieved when his life was cut short on Sept30,1995 We Miss And Love you Son!XOXOXOXOXO
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